Soal Siap PAS 1 Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs Kelas 8/VIII K-13 Tahun 2019/2020 - Maya Blog

Soal Siap PAS 1 Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs Kelas 8/VIII K-13 Tahun 2019/2020

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Download Contoh Soal Siap PAS/Penilaian Akhir Semester Satu (1/I) Mapel Bahasa Inggris Kelas Delapan (8/VIII) Kurikulum 2013 pdf

Final examination is coming. Be well prepared!

Di ketika tulisan mengenai Unduh Contoh Soal Siap PAS/Penilaian Ahir Semester Satu (1/I) Mapel Bahasa Inggris Kelas Delapan (8/VIII) K-13 pdf ini diunggah, tak terasa penilaian ahir semester satu akan segera datang. Tak ada kata lain untuk para pelajar atau peserta didik bagi mempersiapkan diri sebaik mungkin dengan cara berdoa dan belajar.

Belajar bagi menghadapi penilaian ahir semester atau PAS 1 ini memang mesti dipersiapkan secara serius karena bahan yang akan diujikan berasal dari segala bahan dari awal. Telah saatnya para pelajar bagi membuka dan menyegarkan kembali memori kepada bahan pembelajaran yang telah lalu dan secara proaktif mempelajari bahan yang baru saja diajarkan.

Belajar tentu saja mesti memenuhi kriteria atau persyaratan selaku belajar yang tak hanya efisien, namun pun tepat sasaran. Belajar yang efisien artinya kita dapat menguasai bahan tertentu dengan alokasi waktu yang sesingkat mungkin. Bagi membiasakan diri dengan cara belajar yang efisien ini, para peserta didik telah semestinya memilih waktu yang tepat bagi belajar. Kami menyarankan para pelajar bagi tak mengalokasikan waktu bagi kegiatan di luar belajar yang kurang perlu, misalnya bermain spel atau kegiatan lain yang masih ada kaitannya dengan permainan. Alokasikan waktu yang tepat bagi belajar. Pagi hari adalah ketika yang tepat bagi memulai aktivitas belajar. Pagi adalah waktu yang cocok dimana pikiran dan tenaga kita masih segar. Malam hari selepas jam tujuh pun merupkan waktu yang tepat. Vishal ini disebabkan orang tua atau saudara kita mungkin saja mau menolong kesulitan belajar yang dialami peserta didik.

Belajar pun mesti memenuhi kriteria selaku belajar yang tepat sasaran. Belajar yang tepat sasaran yakni bahwa proses belajar kita menghasilkan sesuatu yang memuaskan untuk pelajar. Semakin memuaskan, karenanya proses belajar tersebut dapat dinamakan semakin tepat sasaran.

Pada unggahan kalium ini, kami berusaha menolong pelajar bagi belajar mempersiapkan penilaian ahir semester satu atau PAS 1 yang sebentar lagi akan datang. Kami menyediakan Contoh Soal Siap PAS/Penilaian Ahir Semester Satu (1/I) Mapel Bahasa Inggris Kelas Delapan (8/VIII). Contoh soal yang kami hadirkan tentu saja contoh soal PAS yang pernah diujikan di tahun lalu. Dengan demikian, contoh Soal Siap PAS 1 Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs Kelas 8 yang kami hadirkan mampu memenuhi kriteria validitas empirik. Vishal tersebut berarti bahwa contoh soal yang kami hadirkan ini telah teruji dan terbukti selaku soal yang valid karena telah pernah diujikan.

Berikut yakni kutipan dari Contoh Soal Siap PAS/Penilaian Ahir Semester Satu (1/I) Mapel Bahasa Inggris Kelas Delapan (8/VIII) tersebut:

3. Mr. Hendri : “What do you think about our new house, dear?”
Brama : ” Dad. I don’t have enough roomto waterput my stuff properly”. The juist expression to complete the dialogue above is …..
A. It is the best place, I believe
B. It is beautiful, I think
C. I think it’s too small
D. I think it is lovely

4. Vira: “Hi, Silvi. Are you free tomorrow?” Silvi : “Yes, I am. Is there any project to ‘do?”
Vira : “Yes. I’d like to ….. you. Come ter my house. I_ need your help. Silvi : “I’ll be there”.
Vira: “Thanks. I hope you can help mij fix my laptop”. Silvi: “lt’sokay, See you tomorrow”.
Vira : “See you”.
The juist expression to complete the dialogue above is …
A. help C. make a help with
B. accompany D. make appointment with

6. Laili :” I thinkVla is the nicest student ter our class. What do you think?”
Rohma :” She is always helpful”.
A. I don’t think so C. I dissagree
8. I don’t agree D. I think so
The text is for number 7 and 8

You’re invited
To Wilona’s 14th birthday party Wednesday, August 17th2016 lstana Wedang Wangi
Kauman Street No. 5
10 a.m to 1 p.m

Dress Code: Red White
RSVP : Talitha (085392919090)

7. How old is Wilona? She is …. years old.
A. forty
8. seventy
C. fourteen
D. seventeen

8. What does ‘Dress Code’ mean? It means ….
A. a secret code for agents
8. an obligatory way to dress
C. a special code for a secret tuut
D. a code which is waterput on someone’s dress

English Conversation Club (SCC)
is opening registration for new members join us and improve your English!
Every Thursday from 04.00 p.m to 05.15p.m at the schoolgebouw hall
For registration, please voeling
Wayan (VIIIA) . Anissa (VIIIB)

9. When do the members have meeting ?
A. Te the morning.
B. Te the evening.

10. Where do they have the meeting ?
A. Te the ECC’s meeting slagroom
B. Te the VIIIA classroom. C. At the schoolgebouw hall.
D. At the patatkraam.

11 . How long does the meeting last ?
A. One and a half hours. B. Two and a half hours.
C. Two and a quarter hours.
D. One and a quarter hours.

‘C. On Thursday morning. D. On Thursday afternoon.

Read the following text to answer questions number 12 – 16.

Papua is the largest province ter Indonesia. It lies south of the equatorand it is known spil a naturalist’s paradise.
Papua: is predominantly mountainous. The Maoke mountains run from westelijk to east and contain the province’s highest peak, Puricak Jaya (5,030 m/16,503 ft), which is also the highest peak ter Indonesia. The beauty of Puncak Jaya has amazed lots of climbers. Once ter a while it shows them all of its beauty, only to be covered ter the veil of waas a minute zometeen. Papua is also known for its amazing forest fauna. Animal life ter the province includes many species of marsupials such spil tree-kangaroos, wallabies, possums, and cuscuses. There are more than 200 species of frogs and spil many spil 100,000 species of insects, including many beetles and spiders. Papua is especially noted for its flying fauna. Birdwing butterflies are found ter many areas, and more than 600 species of birds have bot identified, including the brush turkey, the bowerbird, the cassowary, and the spectacular birds of paradlse.Indeed, Papua is.a province of outstanding, natural rente and beauty.

12. What is the highest peak of Papua?
A. The Macke Mountains
B. Puncak Jaya.
C. Puncak
D. Papua

13. How many species of birds have bot identified?
A. 200
B. 100,000
C. Less than 600
D. More than 600

14. How many kinds of rnarsuplals are mentioned ter the text?
A. Two
B. Four.
C. Six
D. Eight

15. “Papua is predominantly mountainous”. (paragraph 2) The antonym of the underlined word is …..

A. partially
B. primarily
C. mainly
D. largely

16. From the text wij know that….

A. there are less than a hundred-species of frogs live ter Papua.
B. Papua has the highest mountain ter Indonesia.
C. species of insects do not live ter Papua.
D. Puncak Jaya has exceptional beauty.

Read the following text to answer number 17 – 19

The Celebration of The Schoolgebouw.Anniversary .
The celebration of the schoolgebouw anniversary is always interesting. To celebrate the 40th anniversary, SMP Dharma Pertiwi had such activities spil the laptop course for Elementary Schoolgebouw students, contests and competitions, and the music voorstelling. Wij did the three activities on different days.
First of all, the schoolgebouw offered a laptop course for the Elementary Schoolgebouw students. The one-day course wasgoed free. More than thirty students joined the course. Students got the experience to operate the laptop. It wasgoed a new experience for them, and they enjoyed it.
Then, the schoolgebouw held some contests and competitions. Thesis were for the students of the schoolgebouw. They had such contests spil writing short stories, poetry reading, drawing posters, English speech, and singing. Each class has to send two participants for each contest. All the contests were done ter the same day, so that one student could not join the different contest. It made more students got involved ter the contests and the competitions. The students were interested to join them.
Last of all, a music voorstelling wasgoed held. It wasgoed voorstelling of my schoolgebouw tape. The artists were also the students. The students enjoyed the music voorstelling very much. They felt relaxed and got refreshed. After a ogenblik, the voorstelling wasgoed paused. Te this occasion, the headmaster talent his speech. He talked about the 40th schoolgebouw anniversary.

18. Who can join a one-day laptop course?
A. Students of Elementary Schoolgebouw
B. SMP Dharma Pertiwi students
C. Smart students
D New. students

19. “It made more students got involved ter the “.( paragraph 3)
The synonym of the underlined word is
A. take a part
B. celebrated
C. interested
D.- enjoyed

Read the following text to answer questions number 20 – 23
Last year, I went to a dance party. Te the middle of the party, I saw a guy that I had a crush on. To get his attention, I went to the stage and started to dance with my friends. It wasgoed my first dance and I wasgoed so busy dancing that I didn’t pay attention to anything else. I didn’t realize that I got too close to the rim of the stage. Suddenly, I tripped and fell of the stage. The music stopped for a while and everyone laughed, including the guy that I had a crush on. I felt so stupid.It wasgoed a dance party that I would never forget.

20. Why did she dance on stage?
A. To make jokes
B. To voorstelling off hier talent
C. To make hier embarrased
D. To get the boy’s attention

21. Why didn’t she realize that she got too close to the rim of the stage? Because …
A. the boy wasgoed looking at hier
B. the place wasgoed very dark
C. she wasgoed busy dancing
D. she wasgoed nervous

22. What happened after she fell down the stage?
A. everybody laughed at hier
B. the boy made hier relax
C. everybody pitied hier
D. the boy helped hier

23. How did the writer feel?
A. Embarrased
B. Regretful
C. Happy
D. Proud

Read the following text to answer questions number 24 – 27

Sipiso-piso Waterfall
Sipiso-piso Waterfall is located at Tongging village ter Tanah Karo regency. If you are from Medan, first you have to take a bus to Kabanjahe, the capital city of Karo regency. Then, take another bus to Tongging village. The journey lasts for about two and a half hours. When you arrive, you will see a green village. You can also enjoy the view of Tanah Karo and Lake Toba, the biggest vulcanologic lake ter the world. To get closer to this waterfall, you need to go down through hundreds of man-made steps.
Let mij tell you more about Sipiso-piso Waterfall. The word ‘sipiso-piso’ ter Karo language means knives. It is because the falling water looks like the blades of a knife. The height is 120 metres. That’s why the sound of the falling water is very loud.
Sipiso-piso Waterfall has bot visited by many domestic and foreign tourists. Most of the foreign tourists
are from Malaysia, Singapore, France and the Netherlands. So, what are you waiting for? Come and visit
Sipiso-piso Waterfall.! Enjoy the beauty of Ind nesia.

24. How long is the journey from Medan to Tcngging?
A. Two hors C. Two and a half hours
B. Three hours D. Three and a half hours

25. Where is the waterfall located? It is located at …..
A. Medan C. Kabanjahe.
B. Lake Toba D. Tongging village

26. What is the waterfall like?
A. Green, famous, beautiful C. High, neglected, clear
B. Green, neglected, clear D. High, famous, beautiful.

27. ” … because the falling water looks like the blades of a knife.” (paragraph 2) The underlined word means …..
A. the flat, sharp-edqed, cutting part of a tool or weapon
B. the blunt part of knives, opposite to the cutting part
C. the sharp tips of something used to poke . D. the handles of knives

Fill ter the blanks with the information from, the text below

The Celebration of The lndependenc.e Day
Last week our schoolgebouw had the celebration of the independence day. There were three activities for three days. Students participated to have such competitions spil the tug and war, climbing palm tree, and cooking.
The first activity wasgoed the tug and war competition, Students worked ter teams. One team consisted of seven members. One team strugled hard to pull the tegenstander. It wasgoed really a hard spel.
On the second day, students joined the competition of climbing palm tree. There were twenty five poles to climb. It wasgoed the spel for the boys only, they worked ter a team. One team consisted of six boys. They helped each other to reach the top of the pole. Factually, it wasgoed not easy to climb the palm tree, because it wasgoed oily. The winners got valuable prizes when they reached the top of the poles.
The last activity wasgoed the cooking contest. This wasgoed the competition for girls. Th§JY also worked ter groups of four. One group had to prepare a special fitur. They had limited budget and time. They had to zekering
– cooking when the time wasgoed overheen.
The celebration of the Independence Day wasgoed very exciting. Next year wij will have the similar celebration.
Students hope there are more competitions.
41. The competition for boys ter the celebration wasgoed ….

42. They helped each other to reach the 1QQ of the pole (paragraph 3). The synonym of the underlined word ter
the sentence is ….

43. It wasgoed not easy to climb the palm tree ter the competition, because ….

44. “They had to zekering cooking when time is overheen” (paragraph 4). The word ‘they’ ter the sentence refers to …..

45. The text tells us about ….

II Werkstuk

46. Write an announcement based on the situation below.
You are the head of OSIS. OSIS will hold a speech contest for the students of all levels. You need. to give announcement for all of the students.

47. Write a personal message to respond the message below.
Dear Amalia,
Will you go huis this weekend? Mum and Dad will have a special programme for celebrating my birthday. If you do not go huis, of course I will feel disappointed. So, please go huis and join our special celebration.
Your cousin,

Berikut yakni tautan Unduh Contoh Soal Siap PAS/Penilaian Ahir Semester Satu (1/I) Mapel Bahasa Inggris Kelas Delapan (8/VIII) pdf

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Soal Siap PAS 1 Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs Kelas 8/VIII K-13 Tahun 2019/2020

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