Maya Blog: UKK/PAS/UAS 2 SMA/MA Kelas 10-Peminatan Bahasa Tahun 2019
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Showing posts with label UKK/PAS/UAS 2 SMA/MA Kelas 10-Peminatan Bahasa Tahun 2019. Show all posts

Soal Siap UKK/PAS/UAS 2 Kelas 10 SMA/MA Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris K13 Tahun 2019

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Download Contoh Soal Siap UKK/PAS/UAS Semester 2/II Kelas 10/X SMA/MA Mapel Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris Kurikulum 2013 Peminatan-Bahasa

Sajian contoh Soal Siap UKK/PAS/UAS Semester 2 Kelas 10/X SMA/MA Mapel Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris Kurikulum 2013-Peminatan Bahasa (Ilmu Bahasa dan Budaya/IBB) Tahun 2019 ini diperuntukkan bagi peserta didik yang sedang mematangkan persiapan pada menghadapi ulangan/penilaian ahir semester/ulangan kenaikan kelas. Tentu peserta didik mesti selalu giat belajar dan serius pada mempersiapkan diri agar memperoleh hasil belajar yang bagus dan tentu sesuai pengharapan agar naik ke level berikutnya yakni kelas 11.

Selain mempelajari kembali bahan yang telah diajarkan oleh pendidik dalam kurun waktu 1 semester terakhir, diperlukan pula diversifikasi bahan belajar bagi semakin menunjang belajar peserta didik. Diantara cara yang terbilang lumayan tepat sasaran yakni dengan berlatih mengerjakan contoh soal PAS/UAS/UKK semester 2 K13 edisi tahun sebelumnya.

Sekedar informasi, contoh Soal Siap UKK/PAS/UAS 2 Kelas 10 SMA/MA Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris K13-Peminatan Bahasa (Ilmu Bahasa dan Budaya/IBB) Tahun 2019 ini telah diujikan di tahun 2017 yang lalu, artinya bahwa contoh soal ini masih amat baru dan selayaknya dijadikan selaku diantara referensi belajar peserta didik. Dengan berlatih mengerjakan soal serta mencari tahu kunci jawabnya, diinginkan mampu mempunyai daya ungkit yang positif pada ontvangstruimte ini ialah hasil belajar pelajar.

Pola yang berjalan dalam kurun waktu ini, umumnya jenis soal yang keluar relatif mirip-mirip dengan soal di tahun-tahun yang lalu, ia hanya mengalami beberapa modifikasi saja. Dengan mempergunakan contoh soal UKK/PAS/UAS semester 2/genap mapel Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris Kurikulum 2013 Peminatan-Bahasa Tahun 2019 yang memenuhi unsur validitas empirik dan kebaruan, semestinya ia mempunyai tingkat prediktibilitas yang bagus.

Contoh soal ini terdiri atas empat puluh soal alternatif ganda dan lima soal verhandeling. Dengan demikian, jumlah total Soal UAS/PAS/UKK Smt 2 SMA/MA Kelas 11 Mapel Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris Kurikulum 2013 Peminatan-Bahasa (IBB) ini yakni 45 soal.

Berikut yakni tautan Unduh Soal Siap UKK/PAS/UAS 2 Kelas 10 SMA/MA Mapel Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris-Peminatan Bahasa K13 Tahun 2019 tersebut:

Berikut yakni kutipan dari Soal Siap UKK/PAS/UAS Semester 2/II Kelas 10/X SMA/MA Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris K13 Kurikulum 2013-Peminatan Bahasa Tahun 2019 tersebut:

Kelas/Peminatan: X (10)/Bahasa (IBB)
Hari ,Tanggal: Selasa, 23 Mei 2017
Waktu: 09.15 – 10.45 WIB


1. Perhatikan dan ikuti pedoman pengisisan lembar jawab yang disediakan.
2. Periksa dan bacalah soal – soal sebelum sahabat menjawabnya.
3. Jumlah soal sebanyak 45 butir, Alternatif Ganda40 butir uomor 1 s/d 40, Esay 5 butir nomor 41 s/d 45.
4. Peserta ulangan tak diperkenankan menggunakan alat- alat elektronik seperti HP, Kalkulator dll.
5. Report di pengawas kalau kepada tulisan yang kurang jelas, rusak atau jumlah soal kurang.
6. Dahulukan soal – soal yang dianggap gampang.
7. Periksalah profesi sahabat sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas.

3. Woman : Have you heard that the government will subsidize farmers who use organic farming?
Man : . . . because not many farmers are willing to do organic farming without some support from the government.
A I disagree with the idea
B. I don’t really care about it
C. I think this is not a good idea
D. I think it is a good idea
E. I think the government should think about it twice

6. Man : … You’d better go away now.
Woman : Fine.
A. I’m happy now.
B. You’re so nice.
C. You’re really helpful.
D. You make me-happy.
E. You start to piss mij off

8. Rina : There were so many people watching my show and I made a mistake ter vooraanzicht of them …..
Man : That’s fine. Mistakes are, , not always bad things. You can learn from it and you won’t make the same mistake ter the future.
A. I wasgoed so happy.
B. I wasgoed ter doubt.
C. I wasgoed so embarrassed.
D. I did not agree.
E. I wasgoed little bit fuzzy.

Questions 11-18 are based on the text below.

The Necessity of Salt

Once upon a time there wasgoed a. king who had three daughters. Because they were good and beautiful, he loved them all sincerely. He did not know which one he should appoint spil queen.

Spil his birthday approached he summoned his daughters and said to them, “My dear children, I love all three of you sincerely, and for a long time have not known which one of you I should name to be the heir to my throne. But I have now decided that the one of you shall become queen who brings to mij a birthday present that is most necessary ter human life. Go and make your plans accordingly and with utmost diligence.”

The old king’s birthday arrived, and the two oldest daughters brought him presents that were very necessary, but at the same time extremely expensive. However, the youngest daughter brought him nothing more than a little pile of salt ter a decorated container. When the king saw hier present, he became very angry, and he drove his daughter out of the castle, forbidding hier everzwijn again to let herself be seen by him.

With deep sorrow the rejected daughter went out into the unknown world, comforted only by hier faith ter hier own good sense. After walking a good while she came to an inn. There she found a female innkeeper who thoroughly understood cooking. She entered an apprenticeship with hier and soon exceeded even the innkeeper ter the kunst of cooking.

News spread far and wide of the excellent cook ter this inn, and everyone who came this way and who still had a few kreuzers left ter his pocket stopped to be served a roast or something even more stijlvol.

The king heard of the cook’s reputation, and he hired hier spil court cook. Now it came to pass that the oldest princess wasgoed getting married, and the famous cook wasgoed assigned the preparation of the wedding feast, with no expenses to be spared.

Thus on the wedding day one stijlvol dish after the other wasgoed served until the table almost cracked. Everything wasgoed excellently prepared, and everyone praised the cook. Finally the king’s favorite dish arrived. Quickly taking a spoon he tasted it. “This has not bot salted!” he cried out angrily. “Have the cook brought before mij!”

They quickly ran for the cook, who entered the hall undaunted.

“Why did you forget to salt my favorite dish, you careless girl?” snapped the king at hier.

The cook answered, “You drove away your
youngest daughter because she thought that salt wasgoed so necessary. Perhaps you can now see that your child wasgoed not so wrong.”

When the king heard thesis words he recognized his daughter, begged hier for forgiveness, asked hier to be seated at his side, and accepted hier once again spil his dear child. Then the wedding became doubly joyful.

The king lived happily with his children for many years thereafter.

Adapted from

11. The text is about …
A. a princess who wanted to celebrate hier birthday.
B. a king who became a famous cook.
C. a princess who proved that salt wasgoed so, necessary.
D. a princess who finally got married with a famous cook.
E. a princess who drove his own father out oftheir castle.

12. Why did the King ask his daughters to bring him a birthday present that wasgoed the most necessary thing ter human life?
A. To vertoning that he wasgoed the most powerful man ter the kingdom.
B. To see who loved him most.
C. To decide who would be his cook.
D. To decide who would marry with the prince.
E. To decide who would be the next queen

13. Why did the King drive his youngest daughter out of his castle?
A. Because she wanted to become a cook.
B. Because he thought that she did not respect him.
C. Because the King did not want hier got married with the Prince.
D. Because he wanted to prepare hier to become the queen.
E. Because she did not want to give him any birthday gift.

31. What did the letterteken say?
A. Dan wasgoed to be a soldier on National Guard.
B. Dan voorwaarde fight ter the war.
C. Dan applied to be a soldier.
D. Dan’s parent received a letterteken from the government.
E. Dan’s father wasgoed to be a soldier.

32. What did Dan and Charles actually feel after they were registered spil the soldier of the National Guard?
A They felt very proud.
B. They felt so scared.
C. They felt very proud and scared.
D. They were happy.
E. They were happy and scared.
33. What did toebijten to Dan ter the end of the story
A. He came back huis after war.
B. He received the medal from the State.
C. He wasgoed dead ter the battle.
D. He wasgoed dead ter the hospital.
E. He got promotion.

II. Essai

46. Please make a sympathy card!

47. Please make a congratulation card!

48. Please describe your best friend!

49. Pease describe your favorite place!

50. Write an announcement about English Singing Contest ter your Schoolgebouw!

Dipersilahkan bagi mendonwload verkeersopstopping tersebut di tautan yang telah kami sediakan agar memperoleh verkeersopstopping yang komplit dan utuh.

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oal Siap UKK/PAS/UAS Semester 2/II Kelas 10/X SMA/MA Mapel Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris Kurikulum 2013 Peminatan-Bahasa Tahun 2019

Semoga sebaran informasi ini bermanfaat dan salam sukses selalu!

