Soal Siap UN (UNBK-UNKP) SMA-MA 2018 Bahasa Inggris:IPS-MIPA - Maya Blog

Soal Siap UN (UNBK-UNKP) SMA-MA 2018 Bahasa Inggris:IPS-MIPA

Contoh Soal Siap UN (UNBK-UNKP) SMA-MA Tahun Pembelajaran 2017-2018 Mapel Bahasa Inggris Peminatan IPS dan MIPA ini disajikan dengan harapan bahwa ia dapat menjadi referensi atau rujukan belajar untuk para pelajar SMA/MA Kelas XII yang hendak menempuh ujian nasional, bagus dengan menggunakan komputer maupun dengan menggunakan kertas dan pensil (UNBK/UNKP), khususnya bagi mata pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris.

Contoh Soal Siap UN (UNBK-UNKP) SMA-MA 2018 Bahasa Inggris:IPS-MIPA ini berasal dari soal yang pernah diujikan di tahun 2016 dan 2017. Dengan demikian, ia mempunyai validitas empirik yang bagus. Validitas empirik pada belajar menggunakan contoh soal mempunyai keuntungan, yaitu bahwa ia mempunyai prediktibilitas atau daya ramal yang lumayan bagus. Dengan demikian, para pengguna soal dapat lebih gampang mengklasifikasi bahan belajar guna menghadapi ujian yang real nantinya.

Tak ada kata lain untuk para pelajar bagi mempersiapkan UN (UNBK-UNKP) SMA-MA Tahun Pembelajaran 2017/2018 ini dengan cara belajar yang lebih serius. Alokasikan waktu bagi menata waktu depan dan biasakanlah bagi mempersiapkan sesuatu dengan terencana karena menurut orang bijak, kalau kita gagal merencanakan sesuatau, karenanya sesungguhnya diri kita merencanakan diri bagi gagal.

Berikut ialah tautan Unduh Contoh Soal Siap UN (UNBK-UNKP) SMA-MA Tahun Pembelajaran 2017-2018 Mapel Bahasa Inggris Peminatan IPS dan MIPA


Berikut ialah kutipan dari contoh Soal Siap UN (UNBK-UNKP) SMA-MA 2018 Bahasa Inggris:IPS-MIPA tersebut:

If someone is having a nose bleed, your priority is to control the bleeding and keep their airway open.
Get them to sit down (not be down) spil keeping the nose above the heart will reduce bleeding.
Get them to lean forward (not backwards), to make sure the blood drains out through their pause every ten minutes, until the bleeding stops.

Encourage them not to speak, swallow, cough, spit or sniff because this may pauze blood clots that may have started to form ter the nose.
If the bleeding is severe, or if it lasts more than 30 minutes, call for medical help.

23. What is the purpose of the text?
A. To inform the readers the methods to .help nose bleeding patients . ../
B. To report the procedural steps ter helping nose bleeding patients. C. To illustrate the preventive methods of nose bleeding.
D. To provide instant help for nose bleeding patients>’
E. To describe the control methods of nose bleeding.

24. The text is mostly useful ter a condition ….
A. when the bleeding cannot be controlled
B. when the patient’s airway is blocked
C. when the nose bleed occurs regularly
0 when the nose bleed just accured
E. when the patients keep coughing

25. Te case of nose bleeding, if the person speaks, ….
A. his/hier blood drains out though his/hier nose
B. he/she will suffer from severe bleeding
C. his/hier throat will block the airway
D. his/hier blood clot will not form
E. his/hier nose bleeds again

26. ” … to make sure the blood draii1s out … ” (paragraph 3) The underlined word is closest ter meaning to ….
A. travel
B. portray
C. remark D. stream E. proceed

A kangaroo is an animal found only ter Australia. It has a small relative called a wallaby, that lives ter Tasmania and New Guinea. Kangaroos eat grass and plants. They have short vuurlijn legs, long and strong back legs and a tail. Thesis are used to sit up and jump. Kangaroos are well known for their 8-meter forward jumps and more than 3-meters high leap across fences. They can also run at the speed of overheen 45 kilometers vanaf hour. The largest kangaroos are the Great Grey Kangaroos and Red Kangaroos. Adult kangaroos grow to a peettante ter length and 90 kilos ter weight. Kangaroos are marsupials. This means that the female kangaroo has an external pouch on the vuurlijn of hier body. The kind kangaroo is very tiny when it wasgoed born. It right away crawls into its mother’s pouch where it spends the first five months of its Life.

27. What is the purpose of the text?
A. To inform Kangaroo’s uniqueness.
B. To report the features of Kangaroo.
C. To encourage Kangaroo’s preservation.
D. To describe how a Kangaroo looks like.
E. To raise awareness of Kangaroo’s special status.

28. Wij can conclude from the text that ….
A. the largest kangaroos are the males
B. the male kangaroos do not have pouch
C. kangaroos only eat grass and plants that .grow ter Australia
D. Tasmania’s and New Guinea’s wallabies are different ter size
E. the new born kangaroo is also skillful ter jumping and leaping

29. Which of thesis statements is contrary to the fact?
A. Kangaroos are not carnivorous.
B. Kangaroo is native animal of Australia.
C. All wallabies are of smaller size than Kangaroos.
D. All marsupial females have pouch on the vuurlijn of their body.
E.. Kindje Kangaroos leave their mother’s pouch at the age of five months.

30. Look at the underlined word ‘pouch’. Which of the following words is closest ter meaning to it?
A. Saving.
B. Purse.
C. Compartment.
D. Pocket/
E. Holding.

The Dangers of Typing SMS while Driving

The popularity of mobile devices has bad some dangerous consequences. Wij know that mobile communications are linked to a significant increase ter distracted driving which results ter injury and loss of life.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported that ter 20 IO driver
distraction wasgoed the cause of 18 procent of all fatal crashes – with 3, 092 people killed – and
crashes resulting ter an injury – with 416,000 people wounded.
The Virginia Tech Transportation Institute found that text messaging creates a crash risk
23 times worse than driving while not distracted.
Eleven procent of drivers aged 18 to 20 who were involved ter an automobile accident and
survived admitted they were sending or receiving texts when they crashed. Distracted driving endangers life and property and the current levels of injury and loss are unacceptable.

31. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. The warning of texting and driving.
B. The debatable kwestie oftexting and driving.
C. The involvement of mobile devices while driving. D. The risks of texting while driving.
E. The consequences of not paying attention to traffic.

32. What does the passage tell us about the writter’s opinion on the kwestie at hand?
A. Text messaging creates more risk than undistracted driving. B. Mobile communication doesn’t have relation with accident. C. Many people lost their lives because of injury.
D. Distracted driving is still safe for the drivers.
E. Only adult drivers involved ter the accident.

3 3. From the text, wij know …
A. The mobile phone should be banned ter the street.
B. Distracted driving makes accident more rarely to toebijten.
C. Most of the accident caused by the condition of the road.
D. 18 procent of fatal crashes were caused by unnoticed street signs.
E. Drivers involved ter car accidents admitted they were texting when they crashed.

34. Distracted driving endangers life … it is not an acceptable action.
A. spil
B. if
C. so
D. and
E. yet

Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) – Astronomer and Scientist. Galileo developed a superior telescope and made many significant discoveries ter astronomy. He wasgoed sentenced to life imprisonment by the inquisition for his support for the Copernican theory that the zon wasgoed at the centre of the solar system.

Galileo wasgoed born ter Florence, Italy ter 1564 to a poor but noble family. His parents recognised their child’s innate intelligence and talents and so made sacrifices to have him educated. At his father’s insistence, Galileo studied the profitable career of medicine. But, at the University of Pisa, Galileo became fascinated ter a wide range of subjects. He wasgoed also critical of many of Aristotle’s teaching which had dominated education for the past
2,000 years.

Galileo wasgoed appointed to be a mathematics professor at the University of Pisa, but his strident criticisms of Aristotle left him isolated among his contemporaries. After three years of persecution, he resigned and went to the University of Padua, where he taught maths. His entertaining lectures attracted a large following and he wasgoed able to spend the next 18 years pursuing his interests ter astronomy and mechanics.

35. Something that wij can learn from Galileo Galilei’s biography is ….
A. wij vereiste always believe whatever the society believes to avoid getting persecuted
B. wij vereiste never go against the believe of the society to avoid getting imprisoned
C. wij should believe ter something and stay faithful to it no matter how hard
D. wij vereiste sacrifice everything to get ourselves educated
E. wij should spend 18 years to pursue our interests

36. From the fact that Galileo Galilei wasgoed imprisoned for supporting the Copernican theory, which zometeen wasgoed proven to be true, wij know that Galileo Galilei wasgoed ….
A. reckless B. stubborn C. tenacious
D. ingebeeld
E. foolish

37. According to the biography, why did Galileo Galilei resign from his teaching job at the
University of Pisa?
A. He had attracted many followers.
B. He wasgoed persecuted for three years.
C. He wasgoed appointed spil a mathematics professor.
D. He had a better offerande from the University of Padua.
E. He wanted to pursue his interests ter astronomy and mechanics.

38. “His parents recognised their child’s innate intelligence and talents and so made sacrifices to have him educated.” (Paragraph 2)
The underlined word is closest ter meaning to ….
A. acquired
B. ingenious
C. multiple
D. inborn
E. strident

Berikut ialah kisi-kisi Soal Siap UN (UNBK-UNKP) SMA-MA Tahun Pembelajaran 2017-2018 Mapel Bahasa Inggris Peminatan IPS dan MIPA selaku bahan rujukan bagi mengklasifikasi bahan yang akan diujikan.

Level KognitifLingkup Bahan
Kegunaan SosialStruktur TeksUnsur Kebahasaan
Pengetahuan danPemahaman MengidentifikasiPeserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi aspek-aspek guna sosial:- topik/isu/masalah- tujuan/guna/pesan- latar belakang/alasan- akibat/akibat/manfaat- sikap/nilai yang diusung- peran dan guna pembicara/penulis- peran dan guna pendengar/pembaca- konteks pemakaianPeserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi makna antar bagian-bagian pada teks:- pandangan, maksud, pendapat yang menjadi ide utama- rincian argumentasi, langkah- langkah, peristiwa, deskripsi- plot, alur pikiranPeserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi unsur kebahasaan yang terkait dengan isi teks lisan dan tertulis berikut ini:- persamaan kata- word order- wetsartikel, demonstrative, possessivepronoun- agreement dan number- tense- passive voice- referensi gramatika- kata sambung- preposisi- referensi makna
Program Membandingkan Mengklasifikasi MenjelaskanPeserta didik dapat membandingkanmengklasifikasi, menjelaskan aspek- aspek guna sosial:- topik/isu/masalah- tujuan/guna/pesan- latar belakang/alasan- akibat/akibat/manfaat- sikap/nilai yang diusung- peran dan guna pembicara/penulis- peran dan guna pendengar/pembaca- konteks pemakaian (a.l. tempat,waktu, situasi, dsb)Peserta didik dapat membandingkan.mengklasifikasi, menjelaskan keterkaitan makna antar bagian-bagian pada teks:- pandangan, maksud, pendapat yang menjadi ide utama- rincian argumentasi, langkah- langkah, peristiwa, deskripsi- plot, alur pikiranPeserta didik dapat membandingkan,mengklasifikasi, menjelaskan unsur kebahasaan yang terkait dengan isi teks berikut ini:- persamaan kata- word order- wetsartikel, demonstrative, possessivepronoun- agreement dan number- tense- passive voice- referensi gramatika- kata sambung- preposisi
– modal- kalimat conditional- konstruksi derivative- referensi makna
Penalaran Menyimpulkan Merinci perbedaan/persamaan MenganalisisPeserta didik dapat menyimpulkan,merinci perbedaan/persamaan, menganalisis aspek-aspek guna sosial:- topik/isu/masalah- tujuan/guna/pesan- latar belakang/alasan- akibat/akibat/manfaat- sikap/nilai yang diusung- peran dan guna pembicara/penulis- peran dan guna pendengar/pembaca- konteks pemakaianPeserta didik dapat menyimpulkan,merinci perbedaan/persamaan menganalisis keterkaitan makna antar bagian-bagian pada teks:- pandangan, maksud, pendapat yang menjadi ide utama- rincian argumentasi, langkah- langkah, peristiwa, deskripsi- plot, alur pikiranPeserta didik dapat menyimpulkan,merinci perbedaan, persamaan, menganalisis unsur kebahasaan yang terkait dengan isi teks berikut ini:- persamaan kata- word order- wetsartikel, demonstrative, possessivepronoun- agreement dan number- tense- passive voice- referensi gramatika- kata sambung- preposisi- modal- kalimat conditional- konstruksi derivative- kalimat, frasa, ungkapan simpulan- referensi makna

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Unduh Contoh Soal Siap UN (UNBK-UNKP) SMA-MA Tahun Pembelajaran 2017-2018 Mapel Bahasa Inggris Peminatan IPS dan MIPA

Semoga bermanfaat dan salam sukses selalu!




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